The Start Here Guide states that the goals for your investigation are to identify the killer and uncover the motive of the murderer. It also advises that you should observe the following protocols during your investigation: (1) solve the case by developing the most likely theory that is supported by the evidence, (2) accept statements made by witnesses or other sources of information as true unless they are contradicted by other evidence, and (3) if an inconsistency arises during your investigation, be sure to check it against the other available evidence.
Nicki Fraser won a contest to accompany the Spirit Trackers on their paranormal investigation at Bedlam Asylum. She was not a member of the group. However, she did have prior history with some of the group members: the victim, Chastity Hale, and Aaron Levine. The evidence does not prove any clear motive for Nicki to murder Chastity Hale. Additionally, the evidence indicates that she was not the killer. The notes from Julia Silver’s interview state that the medical examiner determined the killer attacked the victim from behind using their dominant hand. The diagram on the autopsy report shows that he wound that killed the victim was made to the right side of her head. This means that the attacker used their dominant hand, their right hand, to strike the killing blow. According to the interview with Monica Chen, Nicki Fraser “had broken three fingers on her right hand a week or so ago and was wearing this big metal splint over them.” Since she could to have used her right hand to attack and kill the victim, Nicki is not the killer.
The evidence indicates that Shawn Artusi had motive to murder Chastity Hale. According to the interview with Monica Chen, Shawn was involved in a romantic relationship with Chastity. He wanted their relationship to be more serious, but Chastity did not. Chen also stated that Chastity started “hooking up” with Aaron Levine. This love triangle presents possible motive for murder. The evidence also shows that Shawn had another motive to murder Chastity Hale: greed and revenge. An article in the Forrest City Examiner states that a cable network was considering offering a very lucrative contract to the Spirit Trackers to develop a television show based on their paranormal investigations. Then notes from Julia Silver’s interview reveal that Chastity Hale approached the cable network covertly and pitched a show involving just herself and cutting the rest of the Spirit Trackers out of the deal. If Shawn found out that Chastity was trying to cut him out of the television deal, that would be strong motive for murder. However, the evidence shows that Shawn Artusi is not the killer. A paranormal event log in the evidence written by Shawn Artusi indicates that was present in the surgical room from 10:55 pm until at least 11:20 pm. Since the autopsy report indicates that Chasity Hale was killed at 11:00 pm, Shawn is not the killer.
The notes from the interview of Julia Silver state that “Chastity Hale’s best friend, Autumn Tate, stated that Chastity had been sleeping with Chastity’s roommate’s boyfriend.” According to her suspect profile, Abbey Prince was Chastity Hale’s roommate. This gives Abbey motive for murder. The evidence, however, is conclusive that Abbey is not the killer. As discussed above, the killer used their dominant hand, their right hand, to strike the killing blow. The suspect profile for Abbey Prince indicates that she is left handed. Abbey is not the killer.
Monica Chen was a member of the Spirit Trackers. As discussed above, Chastity Hale’s actions threatened the lucrative contract deal conquering the development of a Spirit Trackers tv show. Monica had motive for murder. But Monica is not the killer. Another paranormal event log in the evidence states that Monica Chen experiences a paranormal event in the day parlor at the asylum. In her interview, she stated that the event started at about ten minutes before 11:00 pm an last until about 11:15 pm. Since the day parlor is not near the patients’ dining room, and Monica was in the day parlor from 11:00 until 11:15, she is not the killer.
Aaron Levine murdered Chastity Hale. Like the other members of the Spirit Trackers, he had strong motive to kill Chasity Hale because she put the cable tv contract in jeopardy. The evidence does not provide Aaron Levine with an alibi for the time period that Chastity was killed. Aaron Levine is the killer.
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